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LCC Properties
Cooker Hood Options
Body Control
{{ _.model.reference }} - {{ _.model.modelname }}
{{ _.model.modelname }}
{{ _.model.text }}
- {{ _.model.selectedvolumepressure }}
Heat Recovery Units
Cooker Hoods
Residential installation
Elegant designs
User friendly & easy to use
High efficiency & heat recovery
Low running costs
Release 21/11/2023 Rev.21496
- ILOX 199 Gen2 Release
- Fix for low velocity error in rotary heat exchanger calculation
- Fix for wrong sizes on some accessories
- Fix for RDKM water coils not visible on accessory list
- Fix energy classes for RHE units and always show mederate
- Remove variant -400 for ILOX 199. Set -420 as default (with humidity sensor)
- Change to new control panel for RDxx (ISYtq touch 2.5)
- Fix for summer calc visible on diagram even it's not enabled for RDxx units
- Fix for Swedish language printout showing in English
- Fix for settings of water temperature for water coils
- Fix for sound data for ILOX 199 Gen2
Release 15/5/2023 Rev.30939
- Added ALPHA MagiCAD Link Support
Release 9/5/2023 Rev.33887
- Resolved issues at high relative humidity for heat exchanger calculation
Release 4/5/2023 Rev.30981
- Cooling and heating coils implementation for rotary heat exchanger units
- Additional duty points bug fix
- ILOX 397 performance data bug fix
- Adding low power heater option for RDKS
- Removing water heater option for ILOX 89

Air Movement
Program Version: 21/11/2023 Rev.21496 Database Version: 2022.3.7.1 EU